The Third Seminar of project ArsNova will take place in Cremona on Thursday May 26th 2022 as part of the International Conference Tesori di riuso: Nuove scoperte e ricerche intorno ai frammenti del codice San Fedele-Belgioioso, (Pavia-Cremona, 24-26 May 2022), organised by the University of Pavia (Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage, campus of Cremona, and Department of Humanistic Studies). The seminar, held on the final day of the conference and entitled “Cinque e più frammenti inediti dell’Ars Nova“, will also include the round table “Trecento frammenti, trecento problemi: il punto sul repertorio polifonico trecentesco alla luce delle nuove acquisizioni”. The aims ad the topics of this round table – a great opportunity for scholars to discuss the most recent manuscript discoveries – are described by Antonio Calvia in the inherent position paper.